Our New Website is Online!

Our new website, designed to enable passengers and visitors arriving at our airport to access detailed information about our airport, track flight times and status, and access all of our services, is online.

LAS Awards LAS Awards

LAS Awards


As part of improving the quality of service at Dakar Blaise Diagne Airport, LIMAK-AIBD-SUMMA (LAS) set up a “Customer Experience” committee in January 2019 bringing together all the players of the airport platform.

The aim of this committee is to put in place the necessary means and the appropriate assessment tools to provide passengers with the best possible experience.

Improving the customer experience is a fundamental element for our airport, a priority that is also included in our strategic objectives.

In this dynamic was born the idea of creating the "LAS Awards" program, a recognition system allowing LAS to reward the best players for their efforts for customer satisfaction according to well-defined selection criteria shared with all the members of the committee, a strategy to encourage them towards continuous improvement. 

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